Anyone should be able to pick up where you left off. I put the part-time question out on Twitter earlier this week and got a great response from like you’re going to be hit by a bus on the way home. And besides, if you’ve completed the other 4 steps, you won’t need to worry about your emails! People will eventually come to expect you to check your emails from home (or worse – when on holidays!) and if you’re in a job-share situation, you’re actually undermining your colleague by doing so. Don’t check your emails on your unrostered days – sure, this is a bit left of centre, but trust me on this one.If you have manager/s who you are completing tasks for, just shoot them a quick email so they know where you’re up to and detail when the task will be complete. Part-time work not ‘jobs for mums’ Deborah O’Sullivan, Managing Director at Ten2Two says, Ultimately, part-time work should mean part-time. My working days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
• Ensure workload updates to managers – this is along the same vein as point 3, above. An example could be: Here atInclude things like IT helpdesk jobs that you’ve logged, that you’ve given John the big client brief and that there shouldn’t be any more edits needed, that you’ve done the next stationery order… anything and everything, really.

Now, I’ve never worked part-time myself, but I have worked in situations that involve job-share situations and I want to share with you some really easy ways to make the experience less stressful for you and your colleagues: Tasks incomplete, knowledge not shared… between you and me, I’ve gotten so frustrated when things have turned pear-shaped because a part-timer didn’t do their job properly. I think it’s a great incentive for employees as well, and my experience is that part-time staff work their socks off to get their work done in their allocated days or hours - so it can be a win for employers, too!īut I have experienced times when things don’t run so smoothly. It’s great to see so many companies these days are embracing part-time employment, which is especially great for mums, athletes, carers for the elderly, partial retirees… the list goes on!